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Cyber relationsRuan en ShaneUittreksels uit die e-posse tussen twee mans wat ver van mekaar in ons land bly. Hulle laat ons deel in hulle genot. RUAN: Ag fok, sesuur. Net nog vyf minute. Nee, opstaan, opstaan, vandag sien ek vir Shane! Hmf, die water voel lekker. As ek net kan wakker word. My kop voel so dik. Moet die wyn wees gisteraand. Mooi glad skeer, wil nie hê Shane moet 'n rash kry van al die gekafoefel in sy nek nie. Die water val op my penis en die tinteling is ongelooflik. Daar gaan dit al weer. Kliphard en ek dink net aan hom. Watter onderbroek? Gaan hy ooit sien ek het een van my favourites aan vandag? Dit sal ook help met die koue op die strand. Netnou vries ek my boude af langs die water. Watter jaar was ek laas in die aand langs die see? Fok, ek word oud. Kom ons vat die witte. Die bloue is naasbeste. Watter klere? Dit moet nie te opsigtelik wees as ons gaan stap nie. Wat gaan hy aantrek? Seker weer 'n sexy jean en gemaklike top sonder knope. Kan ek nie maar die dag skip en net langs die see gaan sit en wag nie? No such luck - Karl is hier vanuit Pretoria om die kompers uit te sort. Dit neem meeste van my dag op. Aand breek aan en ek moet nog vir Karl uitneem vir ete. Ek voel magteloos toe Karl nog verder wil kuier. Wat kan ek doen om die aand kort te knip, om vroeër te ry en langer by Shane te wees? Ek kry my nie uit hierdie een nie. "Jy is nie heeltemal hier vanaand nie, is daar iets wat pla?" vra Karl. "Ja, ek moet ongelukkig vroeër gaan, ek het genoem dat ek teen 20:30 by my ma-hulle 'n draai sal maak. As jy nie regkom met 'n geleentheid nie, kontak my en ek sal jou so tussen 22:30 en 23:00 kom haal." Ek trek met 'n vuil spoed weg. Nou moet ek net 'n speedfine kry. Hulle sal my toesluit. Must I take the fucking wrong turn. I must learn these roads in Milnerton; quickly! Nou gaan ek laat wees. Moet hom gou bel en laat weet ek's laat. Fuck; die battery wil nou ook kalf ... Hy het geïrriteerd geklink om nog twee minute te wag. Daar's sy kar. Moet ek nou so sukkel om 'n parkering te kies! Fok, reverse net en vat een wat nie vir disabled is nie. Jy is nog nie oud genoeg nie! Nou moet ek bedaar, jy is heeltemal te jags om rustig te loop en normal te lyk. Ek bespring hom sommer. Sjoe, maar die ligte skyn mooi op die branders. This is nice. Hy is 'n fokken romantic ... hy het my nog nie gesien nie. Loop nou stadiger! "Hi, Shane." Fuck, his hands are touching mine. Hy smile; ek soen hom sommer net hier! Gorgeous, sexy creature! Hoekom het ek nie 'n warm ding gebring nie? Moet definitief weer 'n strandpakkie met 'n trui in die kar gooi vir die somer. Hier gaan ek nou weer potblou van die koue wees as hy my nie vashou nie. "I forgot to bring something for the cold." Stupid. Jy wag dat die dag omgaan om hom te sien, en dan groet jy hom so! Ons trek ons skoene uit en ek voel die koel sand tussen my warm tone. Dit maak my heeltemal wulps. Ek duik hom sommer plat in die sand en suig hom droog. Wonder of hy ook die nabyheid voel soos ek. Versigtig loop, netnou sny jy 'n voet en bederf die aand. Kan die mense nie die strand skoonmaak nie! Ons praat oor die dag, maar ek voel dat ons eintlik net kak praat en nie rêrig wil lospraatjies maak nie. Wonder of hy ernstig wil praat vanaand? Hoop nie so nie, want ek wil hom soen en sy sterk arms voel. Gaan ons nou vir ewig loop of gaan ons darem êrens sit tussen die duine? My hart wil uit my keel spring. Hoekom is daar nou nog 'n paartjie op die strand? Hoop hulle stop en is bang vir die donker. Die een is 'n vrou. Ek noem dit vir hom, maar hy lyk nie gepla dat daar nog mense op die strand is nie. Dis nou donkerder hier en ek vat sy hand, as hy te bang is; ek moet net aan hom raak. Hy reageer en druk my hand en hou dit vas. Fuck, I feel the heat and no more cold. Watter duin? Dit moet net beskut wees teen die wind. Moet ek so styf wees? Dit voel of ek wil bars van hardheid. Is dit net ek, of is hy ook al styf? Hy het voorsorg getref en ons gaan nie in die sand rol nie. Ons kan lekker op die doekie sit, of wat hy ook al in mind het. Hy sprei dit so mooi uit, lyk of ons regmaak vir piekniek. Ek deps die wors! Ons staan en soen; en wil omval, want ons kyk nie of die grond gelyk is nie. My hande is onder sy hemp in, want ek wil sy lyf voel. Lekker warm. Ek is dalk 'n bietjie voor op die wa, but I want him so badly. "Is my hande te koud?" As dit is, maak ek dit gou warm, maar ek gaan nie ophou om aan jou te vat nie. Hoop nie hy stoot my weg nie. Hy soen so sag en dan weer met passie. Ek sak af, loer in sy broek en suig saggies; ek proe die pre-cum. Dit maak my horibaal jags. Hy byt my nippel en die seer en lekker daarvan gemeng is drugs! Hy trek sy hemp uit! Oh my word. Kyk net sy bors! Hy maak my hemp los. Ek trek dit sommer uit. "Its cold," fluister hy. Ek gee nie om nie en ek gaan staan agter hom en voel sy lyf, ek vryf en streel daaroor. This is getting hot. I can feel it. This is not gonna be for the fainthearted. Hoop sy hart kan dit vat! Ek moet van die belt ontslae raak, anders maak ek hom dalk seer. Daar gaan sy broek. Verstaan ek nou reg, of gaan hy kaal uittrek? O fok, dis wild! Ek wil dit oor en oor en oor doen. Hy trek my broek af en daar staan ek. Punt in die wind. Ek voel hoe speel die wind tussen my bene deur, en weet dit is 'n mannetjieswind. Dit voel ongelooflik. Nou is daar nie keer nie. Hy druk sy lyf teen my vas en ek voel sy penis teen myne. Ek wil net daaraan vat en voel en suig en te kere gaan. Wens ek hoef nie huis toe te gaan nie, en sommer hom omrol en vaspen in die koel sand! Hy het wragtig 'n mooi lyf. Hoe kan hy dink ek is sexy met so 'n lyf? Hy suig my en ek voel of ek flou kan word van lekkerte. Die wind waai koel, maar ons kook! Ek is seker ek sweet. Dan 69 ons. Hy speel rondom die anusring met sy vinger en ek return die favour. Dit is lekker en ek moet terughou. Ek wil nie voor hom kom nie. Hy moet eerste. Then he pushes me down and lift my legs. He sucks my balls and plays lower into my crotch. I love this. I want him inside of me. I feel it's wet and he strokes it so gently. Hope I'm not too forward. He maintains that I was forward the first time. Hope he enjoys this as much as I do. He presses harder and I direct his penis to be inside of me. It feels good, and oh, he is in. I miss a couple of seconds in my life; I'm about to cum and oh fuck, he is cumming. Whaoh! We hit it almost simultaneously and throw the excess all over the dune. Making it Our Dune. Sorry for the bugs who will drown in cum, but they will go with a smile; lovebugs. We clean ourselves up and I know that I met someone who is really special to me and I'm terribly in love with this sexgod. It is only the second time we are completely naked and oh my word, our weekend away is going to be an experience. Why do I have to go? Can't we just enjoy the whole evening? We stroll back as I have to leave, wishing it to be different. Ons stap verby 'n eetplek, ek hoop om volgende keer vroeër te kom. Ons kan eers eet en dan gaan stap ... _____________________________________________________ SHANE: Sorry for this long oratory - just how I experienced it. I arrived with a few minutes to spare. Hectic. Drove at about 140km/h to get there in time. And why? I could not be late again! And I was dying to be with him. I've been dreaming about him the whole day. Imagining his smiling face when I see him, the rather shy, but firm handshake and then the embarrassed chatting about everything other than why we were both there... I'm still sitting in my car when he calls to say he's 2 minutes away. "No problem," I breathe. So while I wait I get out of my car and put my cellphone in the trunk and take out the lungi I brought along to sit on. Then I start strolling to the beach. It is an awesome evening, very little wind, pleasant and the sky looks magnificent. Maybe it's just the twinkling city lights across the bay that seems to be underlining the sky. The lighthouse repetitively lighting the beach areas, making the darker areas look even darker because of the stark contrast. I look around for him, and yes, there is his car pulling into a bay. He must have seen my vehicle. I see him getting out of his car, his tall rangy frame silhouetted against the white wall behind him. He sees me and starts walking towards me. I'm grinning like an idiot by the time he gets to me. Just like I imagined it, his charming smile, twinkling eyes and handshake greeting, telling me he would prefer to greet me in a much more demonstrative way. We make some small talk, he tells me about his day and how he was looking forward to see me. I am still grinning like an idiot and suggest we go for a walk on the deserted beach. We take of our shoes and socks and roll up our trousers a bit. I love his feet. They are beautiful. I already have a semi-hardon. Have a thing about feet. Have a thing about him. We start strolling across the sand, eager to get out of the bright lights shining from a nearby restaurant and into the comfort of the dark. "We've got company", he tells me. I decide not to look, but damn the "company" for infringing on our night. The sand feels cool between my toes and I keep a sharp lookout for sharp objects in the deepening dark. I wonder how far we have to walk to finally be alone. I sneak a quick look behind us to the "company", but they are standing still some way back admiring the view. Gratefully I start looking around for a likely spot to sit and chat to him in private. He goes up a dune and I follow suit - my heart beating furiously. Obviously he wants more privacy than I imagined, or was I setting myself up for disappointment? We get to the top of the dune and he says to look for shelter from the sea facing side as it is getting a bit chill. "I'll keep you warm", I say and he smiles shyly, but with a glint in his eyes. How convenient that this will shield us completely from anyone on the beach, I think to myself. We find a likely spot and put our shoes down. I throw open the lungi and look up at his face. The next moment we are in each other's arms. It is heaven. I feel the warmth of his body pressed up against mine, smelling his unique smell. My hands move up and down his back, teasingly on his butt. His hands are already under my tracktop and I shudder at the intense sensitivity wherever he touches me. "My hands are cold", he whispers. "No", I say, not wanting him to break that contact. I look into his eyes and we kiss, furtively at first, just our lips and slightly parted mouths caressing each other. Then it happens: he flicks his tongue against mine and against my teeth, his hands roaming all over my body. He lifts my tracktop and bends his head down to gently kiss and suck my nipples. I am beside myself by now. My throbbing penis has my whole pants wet. Oh god! He lowers himself in front of me and frees my dick from my pants. The next moment he has it in his mouth. His warm, inviting, tantalising mouth. I feel like I can cum right there, but manage to control myself. What an awesome picture - this beautiful man kneeling in front of me, devoted to my dick, the stars shining above, the ocean murmuring in the background and the feel of the cool sand between my toes. He stands up and I start roaming his body with my hands, our hard throbbing dicks pressed against each other. I cannot get enough of him, and I want him out of his clothes, now! I unbutton his shirt and caress his chest with it's light sprinkling of hair, my fingers circling his nipples. I stand back and take off my track top. He looks at me uncertainly. I take off my shirt as well. It felt good - I stood there with the cool night air caressing my nipples and chest, with only my track pants on. We hug again and the feeling of his bare chest against mine is awesome. I want more. I stand back and take off my trackpants, until I'm standing there with only my boxers. I look at him taking off his shirt. I help him and then hold him to me. I slowly kiss him and let my hands trail to his cute, firm butt. Then I slowly kneel in front of him and loosen his trousers and let it drop to his ankles. Amazing! He has the sexiest white boxer underwear and I can see the outline of his huge hard penis. He has great legs, I think to myself. I press my face into his crotch, feeling the heat of his dick through his underwear. My hands is all over his legs, caressing the fine hair. I can smell the musky scent of his dick and want more. I notice him trying to remove his trousers from around his ankles and I bend down to assist him. Finally I pull down his boxers and release his beautiful cock. I take it in my mouth and savour the smell and taste of him. My tongue urgently caressing his shaft and head, feeling for the foreskin, flicking in the hole and underneath the foreskin. I come up for air and look in satisfaction at his awed expression. I lick his balls and suck it one by one, then I lick him underneath the balls on the perineum leading from the balls to his anus. I move up again and gorge his cock into my mouth, moving up and down, taking more and more of him into my mouth, until I can feel his dick slipping into my throat. I almost gag and come up for air, slowly licking the tip of his penis, my hands caressing his tight butt and my fingers trailing down his crevice. Finally I stand up and we hold each other and kiss. The feeling of his naked body against mine is awesome. He is taller than I am and I have to tilt my head back to kiss him. I lie down on the lungi and look up at this gorgeous specimen of manhood towering above me. He lies on top of me and I thrill at the feeling of his body full length against mine and the weight of him on me. He nuzzles my neck and moves down to my nipples, playing and teasing them mercilessly. Then he heads down to my crotch and I gasp when he takes my dick into his mouth. The unbelievable soft warmth drives me insane. My hands is in his hair and I wish he'd look me in the eyes while sucking me off. Then I forget about that as he reaches my balls and perineum. His hands playing with my ass crevice. I shudder. I get up and turn around, making it clear I want us to work together in a 69. He wastes no time and the next thing I know my dick is in his mouth, while he is fingering my ass. I almost forget about him and then greedily take his dick into my mouth to give him the same experience I was having. I lick his balls and come very close to licking his anus,
but don't want to freak him out. I really want to do
it, but I'm not sure how he'd respond. Amazing thoughts occur to me. I realize I want to suck him till he cums in my mouth. I've never done that either. It's him. I want to experience him in every way. I love him. Intensely. I can feel his responsiveness to me fingering his ass, and I get up and lie down on top of him. He seems to know what I want. I want to be inside him so badly, my dick buried to the hilt in his ass. But I know that he said he does not like it. I won't do it if he objects. We kiss and I rest my dick against his crack. It feels inviting. I bend my top forward so I can take his dick into my mouth again. My dick is caressing his crack. I want it and he wants it. I can feel it. I wet my cock with some saliva and slowly press up against his crack. I don't want to hurt him, I'm too careful. He takes my dick and puts it at his anus. I take that as a tacit request. I slowly enter his ass. He looks beautiful, lying on his back with his legs in the air. There is slight resistance and then I'm in. I can feel his slight hesitation and stop moving. I take his dick in my hands and start stroking it again. He is so hard. Then he relaxes and pushes against me so my whole dick slips into his ass. It is amazing. I look into the eyes of this man I love, feeling closer to him than I ever have before. The primal lust takes over and I start thrusting. He thrusts back hard. "Are you OK", I ask wanting him to be enjoying it as much as I am. He does not answer, maybe he did not hear me. He is thrusting against me and oh fuck! he is about to cum. That is enough to send me over the edge and I slip my dick out and erupt all over my hands as well. I am in another state entirely. When I finally come to my senses I look down at this beautiful creature who seems to enjoy me almost as much as I enjoy him. I lean over and kiss him. I would love to just lie against him and not worry about sperm and sand, but still have to go home. I love him. I realise that even more. Perhaps it's the setting: two naked, satiated men in the starlight on a deserted beach. He looks awesome! We clean ourselves up and find another place to sit down after we dressed. It was almost time for him to go again. I wish I could just fall asleep with him in my arms. Ah well, next time. __________________________________________ SHANE: Nou ja - ek is mal oor Afrikaans. Ongelukkig ontbreek dit my altyd wanneer ek dit die meeste benodig. Mosselbaai klink vir my al hoe meer interessant. Hoe graag sou ek die staptog op die strand met jou wou meemaak. Ek kan my half die gesellige kerslig en die geluid van die reën en jou warm liggaam langs my aanvoel in jou halfdonker kamer. Ek kan die flikkerende kerslig op jou sterk liggaam sien, veral hoe dit die ligte hare op jou lyf beklemtoon ... Jy is deurentyd in my gedagtes, veral net voor ek aan die slaap raak. Ek wonder hoe dit moet voel om jou langs my te hê, ons voete en bene inmekaar gestrengel. My arms om jou lyf, jou hartklop teenaan myne. Hierna is daar geen keer aan my gedagtes nie en raak dinge chaoties. Ek dink al hoe meer aan ons plan om te begin roei. Dit is nie net iets wat ek lankal wou aanpak nie, maar ook die perfekte alibi om tyd met jou te spandeer en om nader aan die natuur te wees. Ek dink dit sal verskriklik lekker wees om net uit te vaar
op 'n dam en miskien nou en dan resies te jaag, waarna die
verloorder die wenner miskien 'n blowjob moet gee. :) Baie dankie vir jou mail - jy sal nie besef wat dit
vir my beteken nie. En nie die minste nie daarvan is die feit dat dit
weer my lus opwakker om Afrikaanse romans te lees. Ry veilig terug, maat, en dankie weer eens. O ja! Ek wil hê jy moet bewus wees van wat in my gedagtes en liggaam aangaan wanneer ons mekaar met 'n handskud groet ... Elke haar staan omtrent penregop en dis asof daar elektrisiteit deur my liggaam borrel. Gewoonlik sal net 'n verdere aanraking my heeltemal meesleur en ek sal heel waarskynlik beheer verloor. Just thought you should know. ___________________________________________ RUAN: Sjoe! Dit was nou wild om al die komplimente te hoor. Jy maak my bene lam. Ek moet net ophou om te smile, want die vrou aan die oorkant van die tafel hier in Mosselbaai kyk my so snaaks aan omdat ek nie 'n straight face kan hou nie. Later: Ek is lus om in Afrikaans te tik, so ek hoop jy verstaan alles. Ek sal môre hierdie boodskap copy op my mail. Waar is jy nou? Dit is nou 20:00. Jy eet seker. Ek dink so baie aan jou en elke keer wat ek honger of dors voel, verlang ek sommer ekstra na jou. Ek moes 17:00 oppak, want die gebou sluit en dan kan ek nie verder op die stelsel werk nie. Ek het die gastehuis opgesoek en vinnig van my werksklere ontslae geraak. Die gastehuis is 80 m van die strand af. Ek het op die strand gaan stap. Wat my geweldig aanstaan van die strande by Hartenbos / Mosselbaai / Grootbrak, is dat dit baie privaat is en geen of weinig mense het wat rondloop. Dit was so lekker om net te stap en stap en stap en êrens te gaan sit tussen die duine en uit te kyk na die see. So gewens jy kon langs my sit, maar ek het lekker gekuier met jou in my gedagtes. Ek moes net die weer dopgehou het, want toe begin dit reën. Ek het begin terug hardloop, maar het besef dat ek in elk geval nat gaan wees en toe maar net verder in die reën terug gestap tot by die gastehuis. Lekker warm gestort en toe iets gaan soek om te eet. So teen 19:50 terug gewees hier in Kleinbrak en 'n donker klein dorpie binnegery. Geen ligte was aan nie. Die hele dorpie se krag was af. By die gastehuis het die mense my ingewag om kerse te gee. So ... ek sit nou hier en tik by kerslig op my laptop vir jou met die deur oop en reën wat val buite. Dit is fokken romanties. I can feel your presence as I sit here. This is getting me, by just switching to English. You are indeed a rhinoceros! But not judged by his thick skin. I like the part where you want to wrestle me. That's going to be something. It got to be done naked! I need something to grap onto when I pin you to the ground and bite back. As you can see my entire evening is devoted to you, not that I can think of anything else filling my mind as much as you do during the day. Hope I didn't take up too much of your time when you read this. Enjoy. Lekker slaap.
NOTA: Ek ontvang graag reaksie op hierdie teks. Stuur dit na dbbotha@mweb.co.za.
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