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The great dance

Press release

Popular local talent Sello Maake Ka-Ncube of Generations fame narrates the internationally recognised docufeature by Cape Town based brothers Craig and Damon Foster.

The great dance — a hunter’s story voiced by Sello Maake Ka-Ncube, is the first film ever to be supported by WIMSA (Working Group of Indigenous Minorities In Southern Africa). It deals with the unique relationship between the San people of the Kalahari and their environment, seen through the experience of hunting and tracking. Specially adapted mini-cam technology and never-before-seen footage of the death defying “chasing hunt” makes the film unique and remarkable.

Says director Damon Foster of working with the talented Sello Maake Ka-Ncube on The great dance: “Sello was wonderful, he was so quick to get into the character, it was incredible! We needed an actor, not just a narrator and Sello understood the material immediately and instinctively. He didn’t read !Nqate’s lines, he became !Nqate — which was awesome.”

The great dance recently received a coveted nomination for this year’s Wild Screen Panda Awards in Bristol (UK) which has positioned this South African feature documentary in the top 10% of wildlife documentaries over the past two years and within the top 5% of non-British wildlife documentaries.

The great dance was directed by Craig and Damon Foster of Cape Town, produced by Ellen Windemuth, and executive produced by James Hersov with music by Barry Donnelly and sound recording / additional photography by Teo Bielefeld. The film will be released on the Ster-Kinekor Cinema Nouveau circuit on 20th of October in Johannesburg — 1 December 2000 in Cape Town and 19 January 2001 in Pretoria.

The great dance is an Aardvark / Earthrise / Liquid Pictures / Off the Fence production co-produced with KirchMedia, and Primedia Pictures.


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