The Centre for the Book, Exclusive Books and Nu Metro invite you to the South African premiere of The Constant GardenerPress release: A Centre for the Book FundraiserThe South African premiere of The Constant Gardener, the movie based on John le Carré's book of the same name, has been generously donated to the Centre for the Book as a fundraiser. Buying a ticket to this premiere will give you the opportunity to make a child's world a little brighter with a gift of books. For R150 per ticket you will get to see the movie, enjoy delicious snacks and a glass of wine (donated by Flagstone Wineries), and buy five South African picture books, to be given to children under the age of six, children who might otherwise never have their own books. The books will be in the children's home languages. This inspired idea comes from Isiqalo: First Words in Print, a pioneering and innovative project of the Centre for the Book which aims to ensure that all very young South African children have access to the stimulation of picture books and storybooks in their own languages. Isiqalo: First Words in Print generated the development of these books through a series of writing and publishing initiatives. This project won the 2004 international IBBY ASAHI award for reading development. To learn more, please click here and visit Isiqalo: First Words in Print. If you want to donate more than R150 to this wonderful cause - feel free to do so. Date: 6th December 2005 Synopsis Produced by Simon Channing Williams
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