What's happening at the Cape Town Book Fair
Click on programme you would like to view or scroll down:
Sunday Times Events Programme
Double Storey Books Programme
Jacana Programme
Via Afrika Programme of Events
Kwela Coffee Hour Programme
Lux Verbi-BM Events Programme
Struik Programme
Penguin Books Programme
The Publishers' Association of South Africa Academic Programme
For a complete programme visit The
Cape Town Book Fair website
Sunday Times Events Programme - Cape Town Book Fair - Stand G3
Hot issues, fierce debates, big authors, book signings and giveaways. Guest
speakers include Richard E Grant, Barry Ronge, Zakes Mda, Jenny Crwys-Williams,
André P Brink, Fred Khumalo, Patricia Schonstein-Pinnock, Lewis Nkosi and David
11am - 12.30pm
Judges Under Fire: Sunday Times Literary Awards judges take on the
Should bestsellers be guaranteed a place on the short list? What do the judges
look for in a winning book? The panel includes Sunday Times Fiction
Prize judges Professor Andries Oliphant and Jenny Crwys-Williams, and Alan Paton
Non-Fiction Award judge Professor Sakhela Buhlungu in discussion with book critics
Alex Dodd (The Weekender), Gerrit Brand (Die Burger) and Jacqui
1.30pm - 2.30pm
The Sunday Times Exclusive
This year's Sunday Times Fiction Prize short-listed authors read from
their works including André Brink (Praying Mantis), Andrew Brown
(Coldsleep Lullaby), Consuelo Roland (The Good Cemetery Guide)
and Russell Brownlee (Garden of the Plagues).
3pm - 4pm
Outed: Telling the Stories of Aids
Sunday Times writer Bongani Madondo in conversation with this year's
Alan Paton Non-Fiction Award short-listed authors Edwin Cameron (Witness
to Aids) and Adam Levin (AidSafari).
11am - 12pm
The Sunday Times Exclusive
Sunday Times books columnist Michele Magwood talks to actor, writer
and filmmaker Richard E Grant* about his new book (The Wah Wah Diaries)
*Grant is a keynote speaker at the Sunday Times Literary Awards banquet.
1.30pm - 2.30pm
The Winners' Circle
Barry Ronge interviews the winners of this year's Alan Paton Non-Fiction Award
and Sunday Times Fiction Prize.
3pm - 4pm
Beyond The Pale: Where are the young Black Writers?
Twelve years after the advent of democracy, the long lists for the Sunday
Times Literary Awards continue to be dominated by the voices of white writers.
Sunday Times writer Bongani Madondo hosts a panel including publisher
Annari van der Merwe and authors Fred Khumalo, Zakes Mda, Lewis Nkosi and Niq
11am - 12pm
The Book Factory: Shaping New Literary Talent
Creative writing schools have made a major impact on literary output in South
Africa. Are they the answer for aspiratant authors? A panel discussion on whether
talent can be taught including author and creative writing lecturer Mike Nicol,
award-winning writer Zakes Mda and novelist Susan Mann.
1pm - 2pm
States Of Emergency: Writing from the War Zones
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and Alan Paton Non-Fiction Award judge, Dele
Olojede in conversation with former Alan Paton Non-Fiction Award winner Jonathan
Kaplan (The Dressing Station) and this year's short-listed author,
Antony Altbeker (The Dirty Work of Democracy).
3pm - 4pm
Grass Roots: A View from Beyond the City
Rural artist and 2006 short-listed Alan Paton Non-Fiction Award writer William
Zulu (Spring Will Come) in conversation with art journalist and author
Dianne Stewart.
11am - 12pm
The Sunday Times Exclusive: The Craft of Writing
Renowned author Patricia Schonstein Pinnock, a Sunday Times Fiction
Prize runner-up (2001), reads from her latest work (The Quilt of Dreams),
and in conversation with author Diane Awerbuck.
1pm - 2:30pm
"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; To steal ideas from many
is research"
What is plagiarism? Why has it become such a feature of the South African literary
landscape? How do we move beyond the stolen word? A panel discussion including
Sunday Times columnist David Bullard, author and book critic Colin
Bower, Sunday Times Fiction Prize judge Corina van der Spoel and author
and former newspaper editor, Shaun Johnson.
Double Storey Books Programme - Cape Town Book Fair
Authors on Stand
Karina Turok: Life and Soul; portraits of women who move South Africa
Gillian Warren-Brown, Yazeed Fakier, Eric Miller: Cape Town Uncovered; a Peoples
Zapiro: Is there a Spin Doctor in the House?
Gus Ferguson: Waiting for Gateau: Cartoons & Drawings
Tom Eaton: Twelve Rows Back, some mutterings from Tom Eaton
Michael Cope: Intricacy: A Meditation on Memory
Consuelo Roland: The Good Cemetery Guide
Henrietta Rose-Innes: Nice Times: A book of South African Pleasures and Delights
Book Launch
Karina Turok: Life and Soul; portraits of women who move South Africa
Authors on Stand
Anton Kannemeyer: Bitterkomix
Niki Daly: A Wanderer in Og
Deidre Barnard: Fat, Fame and Life with Father
Gwen Jennings: Franschoek Memories: Life in the French Valley
Harvey Tyson: Laugh the Beloved Country: A Compendium of South African Humour
Don Pinnock: Blue Ice: Travels in Antarctica
Karen Watkins: Aventure Walks and Scrambles in the Cape Peninsula
John S. Compton: The Rocks and Mountains of Cape Town
Book Launch
Jodi Bieber: Between Dogs and Wolves: Growing up with South Africa
Authors on Stand
Byron Loker: New Swell
Sean o'Toole: Marquis of Mooikloof and other stories
Sue Wood & Peter Fox: Dying: A Practical Guide for the Journey
Lauren Singer: Get out of the Way, I'm Dancing
Rod Suskin: Soul Talks
Belinda Silbert: A Survival Kit for the Hereafter
Book Launch for the trade
Henrietta Rose-Innes: Nice Times: A book of South African Pleasures and
Authors on Stand
Glynis Clacherty: Suitcase stories
Robyn Cohen: Nearly Finished: a guide to home renovating
Book Launch
Byron Loker: New Swell
Sean o'Toole: Marquis of Mooikloof and other stories
Jacana events at the Cape Town Book Fair - Stand D5
10am - 10:30am
Anne Schuster, author of Foolish Delusions, and Willemien
de Villiers, author of Kitchen Casualties, will be at the Jacana Stand
Andree Bosch, author of One Woman Walking, will be at the Jacana
Stand D5
11:30am - 12pm
Reviva Schermbrucker, author of An African Christmas Cloth,
presents “Stitch a story”/ Try your hand at embroidering a page
in your own story book, in Room 1.63, Exclusive
Books Kidzone.
12pm - 1pm
Eric Miyeni, author of O Mandingo! The only black
at a dinner party, in discussion with Geoff Hill – “For the love
of politics,” in the C J Langenhoven Room
2 pm - 3pm
Hamilton Wende, author of The King’s Shilling,
reading from his book, in the Sol Plaatjie Room
2pm - 3pm
Anne Schuster, author of Foolish Delusions, and Willemien
de Villiers, author of Kitchen Casualties, will be at the Jacana Stand
4:30pm - 6pm
Hazel Crampton, author of The Sunburnt Queen, at the
Jacana Stand D5
4pm - 5pm
Caine Prize nominees in conversation with SA writers and writing
students from UWC, UCT and Stellenbosch University – with Nick Elam and
participating authors Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, Doreen Baingana, Muthal Naidoo,
Veronique Tadjo & Segun Afolabi, in the Bessie Head
12h00 - 13h00
Harry Mashabela, author of A People on the Boil, journalist
and former president of the Union of Black Journalists – “SA 30
years on”, in the Sol Plaatjie Room
13h00 - 14h00
Ronnie Govender, author of Song of the Atman and writer
of the play At the Edge and Other Cato Manor Stories, in the
Sol Plaatjie Room
16h00 - 17h00
Caine Prize nominees – reading from the Caine Prize anthology
– with Nick Elam and participating authors Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, Doreen
Baingana, Muthal Naidoo, Veronique Tadjo & Segun Afolabi, in the Ingrid
Jonker Room
14h00 - 15h00
Caine Prize nominees – reading from the Caine Prize anthology
– with Nick Elam and participating authors Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, Doreen
Baingana, Muthal Naidoo, Veronique Tadjo & Segun Afolabi, in the C
J Langenhoven Room 1.43
16h00 - 17h00
“Doing Business in South Africa: Cultural Differences”
– Muzi Kuzwayo, author of Marketing through Blood and Dust and
the upcoming There’s a Pantsula in the Boardroom, in the
Imbizo Room 1.51
17h30 - 18h00
Launch of The New Suffolk Hymnbook by Ben Oswest,
in the lobby of the Cape Town Book Fair.
Caine Prize nominees – reading from the Caine Prize anthology
– with Nick Elam and participating authors Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, Doreen
Baingana, Muthal Naidoo, Veronique Tadjo & Segun Afolabi, in the Richard
Rive Room 1.63
13h00 - 14h00
“HIV Aids: Up close and personal” with Liz McGregor,
author of Khabzela, Pieter Dirk Uys and Adam Levin in discussion, in
the Ingrid Jonker Room 1.44
Via Afrika Programme of Events - Cape Town Book Fair - Via Afrika lounge
2pm - 3pm
For parents: “What turns kids onto reading” - Era (New Zealand)
3pm - 4pm
Johan van Lill, reading from Story Street/Storiestraat
(perfect for 7-9 year olds) - Nasou Via Afrika
4pm - 5pm
Authors read from their books: André Brink, Marita van der
Vyver, Niq Mhlongo, Edwin Cameron, Rachelle Greeff and Deon Meyer - NB Publishers
5pm - 6pm
The importance of parental involvement in teaching young children school
readiness and mathematical concepts - Nasou Via Afrika/Idem
10am - 11am
The importance of parental involvement in teaching young children school
readiness and mathematical concepts - Nasou Via Afrika/Idem
12pm - 1pm
Meet one of the country’s best-loved authors, Philippa Gregory
Philippa will discuss her latest bestseller The Constant Princess - Jonathan Ball
2pm - 3pm
For parents: “What turns kids onto reading” - Era (New Zealand)
4pm - 5pm
Book launch: Whatever You Do, Don’t Run, by four not-so-rugged-rangers
- NB Publishers
5pm - 6pm
We celebrate the birthday of Niki Daly and his books - NB Publishers
1pm - 2pm
A demonstration of making young children’s learning easy and fun, using
Idem’s toys and apparatus in a thematic approach. Meet the internationally-
acclaimed playwright Mbongeni Ngema at the Via Afrika stand - Nasou Via Afrika/Idem
2pm - 3pm
Poetry reading from Izingwazi Zanamuhla by Hlengiwe
Ngcongo from USIBA, the isiZulu writer’s guild - Nasou Via Afrika
3pm - 4pm
Poetry workshop
Meet the compilers of the Writing Light anthology, Sylvia van Straaten and Cecilia
du Toit, and develop your “speed limerick- writing” skills. (By invitation)
- Nasou Via Afrika
4pm - 5pm
NB Publishers' authors read from their books: Jan van Tonder,
Russel Brownlee, Marguerite Black, Simão Kikamba, Ken Barris and Ace Mgxashe.
5pm - 6pm
See local author Michiel Heyns ( The Typewriter’s Tale) in
conversation with Russel Brownlee on aspects of his work – his recent
translation of Agaat in particular and the imminent release of his
own writing in translation - Jonathan Ball
1pm - 2pm
A demonstration of making young children’s learning easy and fun,
using Idem’s toys and apparatus in a thematic approach - Nasou Via Afrika/Idem
2pm - 3pm
For teachers: “Shared Reading; a basis for teaching reading
and writing” - Era (New Zealand)
3pm - 4pm
Woordreise en Versreise poësiewerksessie vir hoërskool leerders
en hulle onderwysers. Hoor die gedigte en leer die geheime van limeriekskryf
met Adinda Vermaak, Zandra Bezuidenhout en Phillip de Vos. Op uitnodiging -
Nasou Via Afrika
Kwela Coffee Hour Programme - Cape Town Book Fair - Via Afrika lounge
11am - 12pm
Tendense in Afrikaanse fiksie, uit ’n skrywersperspektief
· EKM Dido
· Kirby van der Merwe
· Rachelle Greeff
· Dr Louise Viljoen
11am - 12pm
From manuscript to book: tips from published authors
· Mary Watson
· Henrietta Rose-Innes
· Maxine Case
· Niq Mhlongo
· Zubeida Jaffer
· Nèlleke de Jager
11am - 12pm
“Don’t kill my darlings”: editors and writers discuss
the editing process
Authors / Editors
· Henrietta Rose-Innes
· Ken Barris
· Simão Kikamba
· Lynda Gilfillian
· James Woodhouse
· Nèlleke de Jager
11am - 12pm
The poetry spectrum: performance versuss page / eye versus ear
· Rustum Kozain
· Michael Cope
· Loit Sôls
· Keorapetse Kgositsile
· Gus Ferguson
Lux Verbi-BM Events Programme - Cape Town Book Fair - Stand E2
10:00 - 11:00
The importance of prayer for toddlers.
Books: Loshande die beste oupa en ouma, Gebedjies voor slapenstyd
/ Prayers before Bedtime
Authors: Johan & Nina Smit
Guest Speakers: Johan & Nina Smit
13:00 - 14:00
Gelykenisse vir vandag
Books: God se prenteboek & Die gebed wat die wêreld omspan
Author: Helmut Thielicke
Guest speaker: Daniél Louw (Theological Professor)
13:00 - 14:00
Op soek na 'n aardse spiritualiteit & die lewe anderkant die dood
Books: Waar op dees aarde vind mens God? & Die lewe anderkant
die dood.
Author: Ernst Conradie
Guest Speaker: Ernst Conradie
12:00 - 13:00
Die Boek van alle tye - Bybelroman vir jongmense
Book: Die Boek van alle tye
Author: Trevor Dennis
Guest Speaker: Elzette Hansen (Vertaler) In gesprek met Elize Parker
12:00 - 13:00
Drug abuse among teens
Book: Stefan slaan terug
Author: Hendrick Bergh
Guest Speaker: Peter Powis (Expert on drug abuse)
The Publishers' Association of South Africa Academic Programme - Cape Town
Book Fair
10h30 - 12h30
The role of African and other marginalised
Writers in challenging the perceived superiority of the Euro-American literary
Juta Publishers presents: Peter Ripken, Kole Omostoso, Brenda Cooper, Imraan
Venue: Alex La Guma (Room 1.41)
10h30 - 12h30
The role of reading in facilitating sustainable democracy
Oxford University Press: Eleanor Sisulu, Kobus Maree
Southern Africa presents: Rustum Kozain, Judith February, Karen Bruns
Venue: Alex La Guma (Room 1.41)
10h30 - 12h30
The importance, realities and future of scholarly publishing
Wits University Press and Garry Rosenberg, Mohammed Umar
University of KwaZulu-Natal Press present: Glenn Cowley
Venue: Alex La Guma (Room 1.41)
Penguin Books Programme - Cape Town Book Fair - Stand C2
11h00 - 11h45
Talk: Zakes Mda: on his novels and South African writing - Ingrid Jonker (Room
1.44) capacity 60
11h00 - 11h45
Book Signing: Meet Lesley Pearse and have your book signed! - Penguin stand
11h00 - 11h30
Appearance Children: meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! Penguin stand
Talk: How to Get Your Book Published in SA - a talk by Basil van Rooyen - Bessie
Head (Room 1.61) capacity 120
12h15 - 12h45
Book signing: Lesley Pearse and Zakes Mda sign books - Penguin stand
Talk: Alexander McCall Smith on his novels - Bessie Head (Room 1.61) capacity
13h00 - 13h30
Book signing: Basil van Rooyen signs books - Penguin stand
14h00 - 14h30
Appearance Children: meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! - Penguin stand
14h00 - 14h45
Talk: Lesley Pearse chats about her life of writing - Ingrid Jonker (Room 1.44)
Capacity 60
Discussion: Alexander McCall Smith and Tom Eaton compare notes - Bessie Head
(Room 1.61) capacity 120
17h00 - 17h45
Meet and chat to Alexander McCall Smith and Tom Eaton at the Penguin stand.
They will be signing books - Penguin stand
11h00 - 11h30
Appearance Children: meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! Penguin stand
11h30 - 12h30
Talk: Lesley Pearse discusses plot, inspiration, and writing her novels - CJ
Langenhoven (Room 1.43) capacity 60
12h00 - 12h30
Book signing: Zakes Mda signs books at the Penguin stand
12h30 - 13h00
Book signing: Meet Alexander McCall Smith and Lesley Pearse at the Penguin stand.
They will be signing books - Penguin stand
14h00 - 14h30
Appearance Children: meet Peter Rabbit an Spot! - Penguin stand
Talk: Zakes Mda talks about a life of writing, and his work - Ingrid Jonker
(Room 1.44) capacity 60
Talk: Shaun Johnson and John van de Ruit discuss their work and the art of writing
a first novel - Ingrid Jonker (Room 1.44) capacity 60
15h00 - 15h45
Talk: Alexander McCall Smith on his novels - Richard Rive (Room 1.63) capacity
16h00 - 17h00
Discussion: Finuala Dowling and Rosemund Handler discuss writing in South Africa
- Penguin stand
17h00 - 18h00
Cocktail launch of A City Imagined: Cape Town and the meanings of a place
- Penguin's stand
Talk: John van de Ruit tells us the secrets of Spud (talk for School
Children) - Alex La Guma (Room 1.41) capacity 120
11h00 - 11h30
Appearance Children: Meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! - Penguin stand
11h00 - 11h45
Talk: Alexander McCall Smith talks about his children's books - Alex La Guma
(Room 1.41) capacity 120
14h00 - 14h30
Appearance Children: Meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! - Penguin stand
Talk: Zakes Mda tells school children about his novels - Alex La Guma (Room
1.41) capacity 120
14h00 - 15h00
Talk: How to Get Published in SA - a talk by Basil van Rooyen, accompanied by
bestselling debut novelist John van de Ruit - Penguin stand
Chat: Lesley Pearse discusses life, love and writing! - CJ Langenhoven (Room
1.43) capacity 60
16h45 - 17h30
Chat and book signing: Meet John van de Ruit at the Penguin Stand!
11h00 - 11h30
Appearance Children: Meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! - Penguin stand
11h00 - 12h00
Talk/Book Signing: Meet and chat with Lesley Pearse - Penguin stand
14h00 - 14h30
Appearance Children: Meet Peter Rabbit and Spot! - Penguin stand
15h30 - 16h30
Struik Programme - Cape Town Book Fair
09h00 - 10h00
Great Explorers - Kingsley Holgate
10h30 - 11h15
Rhythm and Rhyme - Lebo Mashile poetry
11h00 - 12h00
Great Explorers - Kingsley Holgate
12h00 - 13h00
Women's Voices - Doreen Baingana on women's writing in Africa
14h00 - 14h45
Maverick Women - Lauren - extraordinary SA women
16h30 - 17h00
Smacked - Melinda Ferguson
09h30 - 10h00
Breakfast Run - Ashley Dowds
10h00 - 12h00
Two Dogs Launch - Fathers day celebration
12h30 - 13h00
Rhythm and Rhyme - Lebo Mashile poetry
14h00 - 15h00
Johan Marais Snake demo - Johan talking Snakes of Southern Africa
15h00 - 16h00
Meet the Cheetah - Cheetah cubs & Gerald Hind
09h00 - 09h45
Crime writers - Margie Orford, A Brown & C Botha
10h00 - 11h00
Brett Kebble - Barry Sergeant speaker
12h00 - 13h00
Shelf Life - Hans Muhlberg
14h00 - 15h00
Love of Gardening - Keith Kirsten special invitation
15h30 - 16h00
Fabulous Dion Chang - Dion Chang, Gloria's Guide to Fabulousness
10h00 - 11h00
SA Childrens Books - N Clarke, Lynn B H, Cathy Maunder, Jay Heale, Janet
Keegan, Irma Chait
12h00 - 13h00
Birding the Specialists - Phil Hockey, Callan Cohen, Peter Ryan
14h00 - 14h30
Wanderlust - Ian Michler on travel writing
15h00 - 15h30
Closing ceremony - Pieter-Dirk Uys
LitNet: 15 June 2006
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