Translate.org.za is making great strides forward under the banner of the Zuza Software Foundation, translating computer software into the eleven official languages of South Africa. Current languages include Xhosa, Zulu, Venda, Northern Sotho, Siswati and Tswana. Visit www.translate.org.za for more details. Mozilla web browser released in Xhosa, Zulu and four other languages Download Mozilla for Windows from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.1/mozilla-win32-1.1-. For other platforms visit www.mozilla.org/releases/#1.1. Then visit www.translate.org.za/progress.php to download the language packages that you need. KOffice 1.2 Office Suite released in Xhosa, Zulu and Venda Why is this translation so important? Obviously the issues that surround language, inequality and poverty, are broad and impact every sphere of life, but Zuza aims to play their part. Translation does not remove all barriers to computer access, says Bailey, but it helps to eliminate one. This, together with low-cost computers, open source software and low-cost Internet access will go a long way to making a dramatic IT impact on South Africans, especially the disadvantaged.
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