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Teenage love

Vicky Scholtz

My love’s lips pout with passion
As of his love he sings
His voice flies to my heart on
Durex Gossamer wings
“Since seeing you in the Chill Room
Last Friday at the rave
My drugs lie here, forgotten,
Because it’s you I crave.”

His fingers stroke the guitar
With skilled yet tender touch
He gets those strings vibrating
And my body aches so much
My thighs have turned to liquid
My stomach’s in a knot
My heart would beat a sprinter
And I’m melting — he’s so hot!

He gazes to the distance
His fringe falls like a sheet
Across those molten choc eyes …
I swallow, want to eat
Him. But I dare not disturb
His thoughts, profound and deep
Or he will think me shallow,
Pass out and go to sleep.

Right now he wants me badly,
I can hear it in his voice,
I’d give in to him gladly
If I could have the choice.
His legs are strong and shapely
His six-pack stomach, fine —
I’m sure he’ll go the distance
He’ll take me, ’cos he’s mine.

His face is finely chiselled,
His beard is barely there,
His eyes still hidden from me
By the curtain of his hair.
His body toned and gleaming,
His fingers, neat and long,
Inside I’m almost screaming
My lust has grown so strong.

My eyes start to undress him,
I’m yearning to explore,
I like what I can see, but
I’d love to see some more …
My strap slips off my shoulder
I shift, and let it fall
My breast’s almost exposed now,
One move, he’d see it all.

I’m playing with my hair, now,
That often does the trick
It fans across my shoulder
From a dismissive flick
My skirt is riding higher,
I stretch a lengthy leg
My foot grazes his kneecap —
Now surely he must beg!

He smiles, almost with sorrow,
As he sings his song of lust,
He doesn’t make his move yet —
He’s trying to win my trust.
His voice is smooth as feathers,
A duvet soft and deep,
My eyes are feeling heavy
And my body needs some sleep

But still my lust keeps pumping
Though my mouth is getting dry
My body screams for touching
And I’m scared that I might cry
His beauty leaves me breathless
I know it won’t be long
Until he lies beside me,
And plays, in me, his song.

* * *

I wake to find it’s morning
Or sometime in the day
My head is blurred and aching
My throat as dry as clay
My panties caked with yearning
My body stiff and sore
My fingers smell of pleasure —
My own though. What a bore!

My love? Where has he gone to?
Vanished without a trace
I strain to try, remember,
The outline of his face.
He’s gone, and taken with him,
Broken, my heart so strong,
I pick up the fallen guitar
And sadly strum his song.

“Since seeing you in the Chill Room
Last Friday at the rave
My drugs lie here, forgotten,
Because it’s you I crave.”
My love’s face dims with distance
Though somewhere, still, he sings
His voice flies into space on
Durex Gossamer wings.

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